Regardless of spend, every client has full access to our complete team of experienced marketers, designers and producers capable of delivering an integrated mix of services. It’s like adding a fully staffed creative team, digital marketing team and development team to your organization, but only paying for what you actually use.
Collaboration means more than sharing emails. Specialized technology invites clients to participate in the workflow and encourages direct communication. Every client has a dedicated account manager, as well as access to individual team members by phone and email. Files and screens can be shared instantly worldwide. A project portal tracks what’s been approved and what remains to be done, while live marketing dashboards display results for client and agency teams in real-time. Where would you like to sit?
Transparency and access inspire trust. Clients are the admins on their digital marketing accounts and invite us to login – not the other way around. That means our clients own their marketing data and control access to their accounts.
Visibility. It’s not overrated. Instead of waiting for monthly reports, clients have access to live campaign dashboards. They can see results and statistics for email campaigns, social media, search, retargeting, and call tracking all on one portal. Our clients know their numbers, and have confidence in their spend.
Does your agency help convert leads into sales? Green Dot does. We’ve helped many clients identify, integrate and adopt the best CRM and marketing automation platform for their needs.
We have worked with most established platforms and are happy to share our experiences candidly. Not only can we help with recommendations and feature pairing, we can help with training and adoption as well. Finally, once the CRM is in place and the staff is trained, reporting on ROI from specific campaigns is possible. Ask us how we can help.
Marketing jargon and vanity statistics are only helpful to agencies that prefer confusing clients to veil underperformance. Green Dot marketing reports detail what was spent, how many people were reached, how many clicked, and of those, how many converted. At the end of the day, isn’t that what matters most?
No cost conversation. Ask us how we can help.
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